ADMIRAL stands for first-class entertainment in the area of sports betting and machine gaming. Fairness and responsibility are the foundations of our betting and gaming services.

It is important to us that we provide special and preventative support to our guests both in the areas of betting and machine gaming. As such, we attach particular importance to ensuring that our guests are aware of the potentially negative effects of gaming. 

Responsible Entertainment is the credo of our range of different offers and is a major part of both our corporate philosophy and our daily activities. Responsible Entertainment comprises both the areas of sports betting (Responsible Betting) and machine gaming (Responsible Gaming). 


Responsible Betting is a key priority of ours. We believe we are obligated to provide comprehensive and objective information to our betting guests, and to give them assistance should they require advice or support. We also attach great importance to giving all our employees regular training in the area of protecting betting customers.


Responsible Gaming refers to all measures to ensure an awareness-based and responsible approach to machine gaming, and forms a key part of our everyday activities. We see it as our obligation to provide our guests with the best possible information, to train our employees on how to handle problematic gaming behaviour, and to provide assistance. After all, it is only possible to reinforce the sense of responsibility among our guests with adequate information.